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Civics & Citizenship: Government & Parliament

This research guide provides information on political and legal institutions and explores the nature of citizenship in a liberal democracy.

Democracy Poster

Federal Government (Commonwealth)

In Australia we have one central, or federal parliament which has the power to make laws that apply to the whole country. 

Examples of areas of law-making power:

  • Currency
  • Marriage
  • Australian Citizenship
  • Customs and border protection
  • Defence

Role of Government in Australia

In Australia, we have a variety of systems, structures, and laws designed to ensure that all members of our society can live together in a united, safe, and peaceful manner. 

Three Levels of Government

In Australia the three levels of government work together to provide us with the services we need. This is based on a Federal System meaning that the nation is divided into states. Each state has its own parliament that is responsible for making laws for the residents of that state.

Three levels of government: governing Australia - Parliamentary Education Office (

State/ Territory Government

Examples of area of law-making power

  • Primary and secondary education
  • Health services
  • Water
  • Electircity
  • Public Transport

Local Government


Examples of areas of law-making power

  • Local infrastructure (e.g., footpaths, drainage and waste collection, provision of roads)
  • Recreational facilities (e.g., libraries, parks, swimming pools)
  • Childcare facilities
  • Aged-care facilities