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Where does our waste go?: Unit 1: Food Webs


Food webs are complex network of feeding interactions. Food webs may consist of food chains. In that sense, there are a lot of animals hunt for the same animal. Food webs can also be identified as numerous food chains combine together to form a single, but large feeding interaction.

biodiversity - the variety of life, the different plants, animals and microorganisms and the ecosystems they live in

carnivores - animals that eat only meat

consumers - animals that can't convert the Sun's energy into sugars and must eat to get the energy they need to survive

decomposers - organisms that feed on dead things e.g. bacteria

food chain - a diagram that shows who eats who in an ecosystem and how nutrients and energy are passed on

food web - several intertwined food chains, showing the extended relationships between different organisms

green wedges - non-urban areas around metropolitan areas

habitat - environment in which organisms live

herbivores - animals that eat only plants

omnivores - animals that ear both plants and animals

producers - plants and plant-like organisms found at the start of the food chains

urban sprawl - the spread of urban areas into rural areas


Food Chains (from: the DK FindOut! website)

This web page from DK find out! has some straight forward information about food chains, as well as other areas you are investigating...

Food Chains and Webs (from: BBC Bitesize website)

This web page is from the BBC Bitesize website. It provides information about several topics related to Food Chains and Food Webs. The information is a mix of text, images and short videos. There are also questions to help you check how well you've understood the content.

Food Chains and Webs

This web page from National Geographic's website curates links to a range of encyclopaedia entries with information on food chains, food webs and the various types of organisms involved in both of these.

Food chains & food webs

On this web page from Khan Academy you will find information about "how food chains and food webs represent the flow of energy and matter [as well as] trophic levels and efficiency of energy transfer."

Test your knowledge!

The Food Chain Game (from: Shepherd Software website)

How well do you understand Food Chains now? Have a go at this game and see if you can get them all right!

What is a Food Web?

A food web consists of all the food chains in a single ecosystem. Each living thing in an ecosystem is part of multiple food chains. Each food chain is one possible path that energy and nutrients may take as they move through the ecosystem. All of the interconnected and overlapping food chains in an ecosystem make up a food web.

Food Web and Food Chain

Food chain and food web. [Photograph]. Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest. Retrieved 7 Apr 2023, from:

Food Chain

Brown, M. (2021). Everything you need to ace biology in one big fat notebook. Workman Publishing

Fabulous Food Chains

Food Chains

Books in the Library

Wobbegong Shark Eats an Octopus

A wobbegong shark struggles to eat an octopus off the coast of Perth, Australia. Unike most sharks, wobbegong sharks are bottom-dwellers. In addition to crabs and lobsters, wobbegongs prey on octopus, which live in rocky reefs on the ocean floor.

Sea Eagle Snack

A white-bellied sea eagle snatches an epaulette shark from the waters of Montgomery Reef, in the Kimberley region of western Australia. The white-bellied sea eagle is an apex predator, part of both marine and terrestrial food webs. Besides fish, sea eagles also hunt sea snakes and crabs. On land, they hunt mice, opossum, and other coastal birds, such as penguins.


A school of fish feed on a collection of plankton in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Brazil. Plankton are tiny organisms that drift with ocean currents. Some types of plankton, called phytoplankton, are producers. They use the process of photosynthesis to create their own food. Other types of plankton, called zooplankton, are microscopic consumers. They eat other organisms. The organisms in this photo are zooplankton.